
The battery is an important part of your vehicle to help it operate efficiently. Extreme heat or cold can increase your battery’s rate of discharge. The freezing temperatures slow the chemical reactions occurring inside a lead acid battery, further reducing your battery’s ability to perform. At the same time, a cold engine and sluggish oil demand more power, while power-hungry features like heat and defrost place more demand on it.

Warning Lights to notice

You might start to notice some issues with your battery, before it fails completely. This can include headlights that are dim yellow instead of white. The dashboard battery warning light is on, electronic accessories fail, the engine cranks more slowly, or a smell of sulfur or rotten eggs. Any of these can be a sign that it is starting to fail. Make sure to schedule an appointment with us so we can inspect it. When it is in the best condition possible, you can help ensure that your vehicle will start.

Warm up the Vehicle

It is also recommended that when you start your vehicle, you let it warm up for several minutes. This will help get the oil warmed up and properly lubricating the engine. This will also help to reduce the strain on your vehicle when you drive it, because things will not be cold and brittle. If you ever notice an issue with the vehicle, it is always recommended to bring it in so we can inspect it for you. Having a reliable vehicle is important during the winter.